
Dasel writes to stdout.

You can modify the output with the -o, --out flag passing the required format, e.g. json, yaml etc.

$ echo '{"message": "Hello world"}' | dasel -i json -o yaml
message: Hello world

Getting the output you want

Dasel will output the result of the final expression by default, however in some cases it can be useful to output the input document, e.g.

Default behaviour

$ echo '{"user": {"name": "John"}}' |
    dasel -i json ' = {"first":, "last": "Doe"}'

// outputs
{"first": "John", "last": "Doe"}

With --root

$ echo '{"user": {"name": "John"}}' |
    dasel -i json --root ' = {"first":, "last": "Doe"}'

// outputs
{"user": {"name": {"first": "John", "last": "Doe"}}}

Last updated