Use as a go package

Dasel can be imported and used just like any other go package. This can be very useful if you need to manipulate data from your own applications.


As with any other go package, just use go get.

go get


Once imported you do something like the following:

package main
import (

func main() {
    var data interface{}
    _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(`[{"name": "Tom"}, {"name": "Jim"}]`), &data)

    rootNode := dasel.New(data)

    result, _ := rootNode.Query(".[0].name")
    printNodeValue(result) // Tom

    results, _ := rootNode.QueryMultiple(".[*].name")
    printNodeValue(results...) // Tom\nJim

    _ = rootNode.Put(".[0].name", "Frank")
    printNodeValue(rootNode) // [map[name:Frank] map[name:Jim]]

    _ = rootNode.PutMultiple(".[*].name", "Joe")
    printNodeValue(rootNode) // [map[name:Joe] map[name:Joe]]

    outputBytes, _ := json.Marshal(rootNode.InterfaceValue())
    fmt.Println(string(outputBytes)) // [{"name":"Joe"},{"name":"Joe"}]

func printNodeValue(nodes ...*dasel.Node) {
    for _, n := range nodes {

From then on the rest of the docs and comments should be enough to get you going.

Just know that when using the command-line tool the -m,--multiple flag tells dasel to use QueryMultiple/PutMultiple instead of Query/Put.

If the information provided here isn't good enough please raise an issue/discussion.

Last updated