
Merge expect 0 or more arguments.

No arguments

When called with no arguments merge takes all of the output values from the previous function and adds them to a single list.

1 or more arguments

When called with 1 or more arguments, the arguments are executed as a subquery on each of the output values from the previous function.

All values returned from subqueries across all input values are added to a single list.


Merge arguments

$ echo '{
  "name": {
  "firstNames": [
}' | dasel -r json 'merge(name.first,firstNames.all()).all()' 

Merge no arguments

$ echo '[
  {"name": {"first": "Tom"}},
  {"name": {"first": "Jim"}},
  {"name": {"first": "Frank"}}
]' | dasel -r json 'all().name.first.merge()' 

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